1. Follow the link below. This will take you to our membership page. You do not have to become a member. http://ncsh.info/become-a-member.html. You are directed to this page, because this is the only link that we have that will take you directly to NCSH's PayPal account. Since you do not have to become a member, your rate is as advertised. There are no hidden fees. $75 for up to 3 advertisements, $25 for any additional 3 within quarterly increments.
2. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on PayPal. In the description, please type the name of your company and the word advertisement.
3. When payment is received (may take 24 hrs to show in our account), our treasurer will notify me that you have paid.
4. I will let you know and ask for the advertisements you would like displayed. You can send your links and/or documents through email. An example of what your advertisement will look like on our webpage can be seen by following the link below.
5. Confirmation will be sent when the postings are done.